

我们期待与您一起探索生命的世界. On this page we offer advice useful to you this summer and links to ease your exploration of opportunities in biology at Bowdoin.


我们提供了两种开始生物学课程的途径, both of which provide exposure to the discipline and preparation for success in later biology courses.

  • 选项1: 从生物学1109开始(生物学中的科学推理)
    生物学 1109 is a one-semester introductory biology course offered every semester. Students may enter intermediate (2000-level) biology courses after completing 生物学 1109. This course explores biology from molecular interactions through ecosystem function, emphasizing the application of biological knowledge through problem-solving. 的 laboratory portion of the course allows students to gain experience with common techniques, 统计分析, 实验设计, 科学写作. This course is designed for students with relatively stronger subject-matter preparation in biology.  
  • 选项2: Start with 生物学 1101 (Biological Principles I) followed by 生物学 1102 (Biological Principles II)
    生物学1101是两学期课程的第一学期. 参加中级(2000级)生物课程, students starting with 生物学 1101 must also complete 生物学 1102. 生物学 1101 is offered every Fall semester and focuses on molecular interactions, 遗传学, 新陈代谢, 细胞生物学. 生物学 1102 is offered every Spring semester and focuses upon physiology, ecology and evolution. Both 生物学 1101 and 1102 involve laboratories accomplishing the goals described above for 生物学 1109 laboratories.

如果你想在买球平台上生物课, 你必须参加生物分班考试. 考试包括几个选择题. 基于你的回答, 你的定量技能考试的结果, 还有你的高中课程历史, the 生物系 will determine which of the two introductory biology options will be best for you. Some individuals will receive a request to “See department chair or Pam Bryer” instead of a firm placement; this is to prompt a conversation before arriving at a placement.  

Although we recommend that students start with 生物学 1101 or 1109, students who earned a 5 on the AP 生物学 exam or a 7 on the higher level IB 生物学 exam combined with high scores on the biology placement and the Quantitative Skills Exam and who also have significant laboratory experience may be prepared to enter our curriculum at the 2000-level. 的 生物系 will reach out to explore this possibility with appropriate students. Our AP and IB Credit Policy: 的 生物系 uses AP and IB exam scores (along with performance on the 生物学 placement exam) to determine the most appropriate 生物学 course for each student. 我们不授予AP/IB课程的大学学分.


Learn more about 生物学 faculty, laboratory instructors and other staff here: http://www.买球平台.edu/biology/faculty-and-staff/index.html

Select the name of any of us and discover what we will be teaching in the Fall semester (or what we do) along with more information about our research and other interests. Mentoring student research is a core responsibility of faculty. You can begin to identify faculty with whom you might in time wish to explore opportunities. 更多买球平台学生研究机会的信息请点击这里: http://www.买球平台.edu/biology/student-research/index.html 


的 生物系 administers three courses of study, or concentrations: 综合生物学(IB), 生态, 进化, 和海洋生物学(EEMB), 分子与细胞生物学(MCB). One may choose to follow any of these three courses of study to complete a major in biology.

的 IB concentration provides the most flexibility within the biology major, with required core course offerings covering three general categories based on their scales of inquiry: 组1 includes topics primarily at the molecular and cellular level, 组2 关注整个有机体的规模,以及 组3 包含了更大范围的生态学和进化. 除了这些核心需求之外, students are free to take elective credits focusing on any or all of these general scales of biological systems.

的 EEMB concentration is intended for students who wish to focus their studies in the subdisciplines of 生态, 进化, 和海洋生物学. 它保留了第1组的要求, 组2, 第三组核心课程, then lays out a coherent but flexible course of study with emphasis on biological systems at the macro scale. 

的 MCB concentration focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of life and how they are studied. Its required core courses are weighted toward 组1 offerings, and recommended electives focus on the cellular and subcellular scales.

Students choose a course of study when choosing a major in their fourth semester and are free to switch between concentrations during their Bowdoin career. Many of the introductory and elective course expectations of the three concentrations overlap.

在这里查看各浓度的要求: http://www.买球平台.edu/biology/requirements/index.html


的 Biochemistry and Neuroscience majors draw from 生物学 and Chemistry or Psychology courses, respectively (and course from other departments) to compose their majors. Environmental Studies or Education can be completed as coordinate majors accompanying a 生物学 major. Completion of BIOL 1101 or 1109 can lead you down any of these paths, too.




Bowdoin biologists pursue an extraordinary range of further training and careers. 在这里了解一些毕业生的道路: http://www.买球平台.edu/biology/alumni-and-careers/index.html 


担心不, you have eight semesters (and the summers between academic years) to develop your knowledge and skills and to pursue opportunities. 你现在真正需要做的就是 参加生物分班考试 and reflect upon whether you wish to include 生物学 among your courses this coming fall semester. 祝你余下的夏天愉快. 我们很快就会见到你.